Arts – As stated earlier, arts encompass everything (Music and Dance), but in this write-up, we will explore art in the context of drawings, carving, and basket making: Drawings / Painting Decorating the mud huts – Women are experts in …
Music and Dance are entrenched in the Bemba culture and play a fundamental role as a channel through which cultural knowledge and traditional practices are passed down from generation to generation. Bemba people usually teach through songs, sayings, and drawings. …
MARRIAGE IN THE BEMBA CULTURE OF ZAMBIA #AfricanCultureExplained To have an in-depth understanding of the Bemba marriage process, we highly recommend you: Go through related FAQs Watch all Bemba marriage dramatization/videos produced by BeingAfrican to accompany this teaching. Steps in …
Key roles and Impango process explained Abakucaume -The groom’s team Bashi Bukombe Who is Bashi Bukombe? Bashi bukombe is the go-between and a spokesperson for the groom’s family What is bashibukombe’s role? He is responsible for solving any problems …
Neighbourly Practices: Bemba Culture Community living and cordial neighbourly practices are the lifelines of the African Culture. All the Zambian tribes embrace community living, and the Bemba tribe is no different. There is an excellent spirit of interdependence among the …
Pregnancy: Bemba Culture Pregnancy is deemed to be an important milestone in one’s life. The pregnancy euphoria runs across all the Zambian tribes and most African cultures. It is a time of celebration if it happens within a marriage set-up …
Dining & Hosting: Bemba Culture As can be found across all the Zambian tribes, Bembas live in a close-knit extended family. As earlier mentioned in all the write-ups, community living is the lifeline of the Bemba culture. Communities are held …
Music, Art & Dance: Bemba Culture Music, Arts, and Dance are entrenched in the Bemba culture and play a fundamental role as a channel through which cultural knowledge and traditional practices are passed down from generation to generation. Bemba people …